Right about now every company is trying to figure out how to get a competitive hand with ChatGPT. For observability platform provider Honeycomb, the OpenAI technology promises to make querying easier for its users.
The company has embedded into its user interface some natural language querying capabilities, called Query Assistant.
So when a system goes awry, and the operations team jumps on the Honeycomb platform to find out what’s up, they can ask questions in conversational English, rather than spending time parsing their ideas into a SQL-like query that the platform would understand.
The chat assist may even make the platform easy enough to interrogate that even non-specialists can use it to understand code behavior, promises Charity Majors, CTO of Honeycomb, in a phone conversation with The New Stack.
Prior to the Query Assistant, Honeycomb users constructed queries using a visual SQL-like language of Honeycomb’s, with the usual SQL clauses such as GROUP BY and WHERE and LIMIT, and so forth.
The Query Assistant offers a single blank box where users are urged to write their question, in the form of “Can You Show Me?” such as “Can you show me all the slow endpoints by status code?”
Majors prefers the ChatGPT approach over the traditional use of AI in operations, often dubbed AIOps. By its conversational format, ChatGPT educates the users on how the underlying systems works, through its question-and-answer format, whereas AIops may just provide a potential answer, with no indication of how it got there.
“Anytime you’re going to rely on AI to make the decision, it’s almost impossible for humans to follow the trail of breadcr