On February 6, 2018, at 2045 UTC, the first Falcon Heavy was launched into space.
It contained a very special payload- a Tesla Roadster with Starman.
But where is this vehicle? The current location is LOADING miles (LOADING km, LOADING AU, LOADING light minutes) from Earth,
moving toward Earth at a speed of LOADING mi/h (LOADING km/h, LOADING km/s).
The car is LOADING miles (LOADING km, LOADING AU, LOADING light minutes) from Mars,
moving toward the planet at a speed of LOADING mi/h (LOADING km/h, LOADING km/s).
LOADING since the first Mars close approach
The car is LOADING miles (LOADING km, LOADING AU, LOADING light minutes) from the Sun,
moving toward the star at a speed of LOADING mi/h (LOADING km/h, LOADING km/s).
The car has exceeded its 36,000 mile warranty LOADING times while driving around the Sun,
moving at a speed of LOADING mi/h (LOADING km/h, LOADING km/s).
The orbital period is about 557 days.
It has achieved a fuel economy of LOADING miles per gallon (LO