This post includes urgent updates for all Stablegains users, an anticipated timeline for the coming weeks, as well as important news regarding our service.
- As of Sunday, May 22, 2022 — we will no longer provide support for Anchor Protocol.
- At this time, to ensure users can recover as much of their funds as possible, we are recommending them to withdraw their remaining assets from the platform as soon as they can. Please note, per the Terra team’s proposal, there is a high chance that all UST will no longer exist on the new Terra blockchain and/or be tradeable for anything else after May 27, 2022 — therefore, we encourage users to withdraw funds before then.
- Finally, as a result of recent events, we have decided to discontinue the Stablegains service beyond the end of June 2022.
Details and anticipated timeline:
- Stablegains is not accepting any new users or any new deposits on our platform. At this time, please DO NOT use your deposit addresses as any funds sent might not be recoverable.
- We will stop support for Anchor Protocol on Sunday, May 22, 2022 — from that point daily UST interest will stop accruing in Stablegains. The last UST daily interest payment will take place on May 22nd at 3pm PDT/6pm EDT. After that point, we will withdraw all users’ UST from Anchor into our custodial Terra wallet from where we will facilitate withdrawals.
- As long as it’s technologically feasible and no later than 3pm PDT/6pm EDT on June 30, 2022, UST will continue to be available for withdrawal from Stablegains directly on the Terra blockchain, as well as USDC, ACH and wire (converted at the market rate).
- Over the coming weeks, we will be regularly reaching out to people that continue to hold assets in Stablegains to remind them about the upcoming June 30 deadline.
- Again, please note, per the Terra team’s proposal, there is a very high chance that all UST will no longer exist on the new Terra blockchain and/or be tradeable for anything else post May 27. We will keep users updated on these options,