Within a week I built a fast and efficient low poly pseudo-random natural element generation system that could fit any mmo using Ambient, the next-gen cutting edge multiplayer engine. part 1 covers context and motivation, part 2 covers the generation system itself, part 3 is dedicated to randomness and how it can help us building up vast realistic ecosystems.
Hi there, I’m Emmanuel (mebyz) BOTROS YOUSSEF FEISTHAUER
I’m a self-taught senior developer with a passion for creating innovative solutions in all kind of industries. In about a week i spinned up a simple pseudo-random procedural tree creation system/strategy for Ambient, the cutting edge game engine ( https://www.ambient.run ) powered by webgpu, wasm, and rust language.
TL;DR: visit https://github.com/mebyz and get in touch !
Over the years, I’ve gained extensive experience in digital media (streaming, news publishing mainly) and education ( learning management systems, and training ). Additionally, I have a range of diverse interests and hobbies that keep me busy. From tending to my tropical garden here in beautiful Reunion Island (France) to taking care of my beloved pets (a cat and a dog), i try to open my heart to all kind of new experiences. I also enjoy immersing myself in different genres of music, exploring new destinations worldwide, experimenting with cooking, and even brewing my own beers!
Since the early 2000s, I have been involved in the indie game development universe. Currently, my focus lies predominantly on rust language, wasm, and webgpu. One of my favorite hobby involves coding procedural generation algorithms for creating natural environments, encompassing vast terrains, trees, atmospheric effects, caustics, etc ..
Here’s why i wanted to share a bit of my last week building up a procedural tree creation system/strategies for Ambient, the cutting edge game engine ( https://www.ambient.run ) which targets webgpu, wasm, and rust language :
WebGPU shows the promising future of graphics and computing on the open web. One of the key advantages of WebGPU over WebGL is its low-level design that provides a much lower level of abstraction and more fine-grained control. WebGPU is also based on modern graphics APIs such