Update 2016-07-23: Updated the format of the udev rules for recent Linux distributions (in Ubuntu since at least 16.04, possibly earlier), thanks to an anonymous reader for the tip!
The constant use of modifier keys in emacs can be painful, hence the term “emacs pinky”.
A good way to reduce the strain on your hands due to modifier keys is to use your feet instead!
With this in mind I bought a cheap set of usb pedals, and bound them to the control, alt and super keys.
Since the process of binding the pedals to the appropriate keys turned out to be fairly complex, and not documented anywhere else, I’ve written this post as instructions both to myself in the future and to anyone else wishing to explore the use of pedals to reduce rsi.
We perform the binding in two steps:
First we set up a low level binding of the pedals to somes key that does not clash with any key on the real keyboard.
I’ve chosen to bind the pedals to F13-F15, in X they correspond to those extra keys, sometimes found above the normal function keys, which launch an email client, web browser, etc.
The instructions for setting up this binding are detailed in the next section.
The second step is then to use xmodmap to bind this key to the desired final key.
Note: we could just set the pedals to send keycodes for modifiers directly and skip the second step.
However binding them to some intermediate scancode gives much more flexibility and makes it much easier to change the configuration.
In particular modifying the keybinds only requires running a shell command instead modifying a config file (which requires root) and rebooting.
Before beginning the instructions I should explain a little about how keys are bound to actions. At the lowest level the hardware sends a scancode. Then udev
converts this scancode to a keycode. Finally X-windows recieves the keycode and applies any additional rules (such as those set using xmodmap
) before sending the keypress to the application.
(The following instructions may be somewhat specific to Ubuntu-based systems, I haven’t tried this out on an