Birds drink from waters receding near Lone Rock Beach, a popular recreational area that used to be underwater, at Lake Powell. REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs
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May 3 (Reuters) – (This May 3 story corrects conversion of acre-foot to 1.23 million liters, not 1.48 million liters, in paragraph 5)
U.S. officials on Tuesday announced unprecedented measures to boost water levels at Lake Powell, an artificial reservoir on the Colorado River that is so low as to endanger the production of hydroelectric power for seven Western states.
Amid a sustained drought exacerbated by climate change, the Bureau of Reclamation will release an additional 500,000 acre-feet (616.7 million cubic meters) of water this year from the Flaming Gorge Reservoir upstream on the Wyoming-Utah border that will flow into Lake Powell.
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Another 480,000 acre-feet that otherwise would have been released down