We’re creating the most trusted place on the internet for organizations to reach their followers.
Twitter Verified Organizations enables organizations of all types–businesses, non-profits, and government institutions–to sign up and manage their verification and to affiliate and verify any related account. Please see Purchaser Terms of Service for more info.
Any organization that purchases a subscription to Verified Organizations will receive a gold checkmark and square avatar if they are a business or non-profit, or a grey checkmark and circular avatar if they are a governmental or multilateral organization. Learn more about profile labels on Twitter and what they mean.
In addition, organizations can choose to affiliate any individual or entity associated with them. An affiliated account receives verification (denoted by either a blue, gold, or grey checkmark) as well as an affiliate badge, a small image of their parent company’s profile picture, displayed next to their checkmark. Clicking or pressing this badge takes a user directly to the affiliated organization, making it a great driver of followers from your whole network on Twitter.
For example, a company can affiliate their leadership, brands, support handles, employees or teams. A government can affiliate its precincts, officials, or their other entities. There is no limit to the number of affiliates an organization can have, or who they can affiliate (as long as they are related).
By subscribing, organizations can access our new tool to manage verification, meaning you have full control over your organization’s presence on Twitter. You’ll be able to add and remove affiliated accounts at any time. Affiliates must accept an invite and double opt-in in order to receive verification.
A Twitter Verified Organizations subscription is $1,000/month (plus any applicable tax) and $50/mo