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InvestigationPavel Durov, the head of the controversial messaging app, was granted French citizenship in 2021 through an exceptional and highly political procedure, a surprising choice on the part of the authorities – all of whom declined comment.
On April 1, Pavel Durov was in a bantering mood. On this international day of jokes and hoaxes, the billionaire told his fans on Telegram: “Be careful on this day though! Exactly a year ago, my assistant jokingly suggested that since I became a French citizen, I should add a blank space in my last name and become a ‘Du Rov.’ Laughing out loud, we filled out a form to ‘frenchify’ my name, which after a few additional touches became ‘Paul du Rove.’ While we soon forgot about that form, the application actually got approved and the passport reissued.”

French readers of the text were undoubtedly surprised by two elements in this message: Firstly, the fact that anyone would embark on a cumbersome eight-step administrative process just for a joke, and, more importantly, the fact that Durov – or Paul du Rove – is a French national.
In August 2021, when the name of the Russian-born founder of Telegram was published in the naturalization section of France’s government gazette, the information went largely unnoticed before being uncovered by the Russian media. Six months earlier, however, Durov had already obtained a n