Game-unit path-finding is something that most players never notice until it doesn’t work quite right, and then that minor issue becomes a rage-inducing, end-of-the-world problem. During the development of StarCraft there were times when path-finding just didn’t work at all.
As the development of StarCraft dragged on it seemed like it would never be done: the game was always two months from launch but never seemed to get any closer to the mythical ship date. “Fortunately” — and I use that term advisedly — Blizzard had previous experience shipping games late.
While we always had launch-date “goals” (though “wishes” might be a better term) we tried not to announce publicly until there was a good chance that the game would be ready at that point. Blizzard’s “when it’s done” policy for game launch was as much an admission that no one had any idea when we would finish as it was a commitment to releasing quality products.
In any event, towards the end of the project we had a set of problems that prevented launching. Like any game in the latter stages of the development process there were defects galore that needed to be found and repaired and the bug count still numbered in the thousands.
Many of those bugs were trivial, and needed only a little attention to fix. Too bad they weren’t all like that.
Others, like a multiplayer synchronization bug, would pop up and require dedicated attention from several members of the programming team — sometimes weeks of effort for a single problem. Other game developers have reported similar experiences with their sync bugs: Ages of Empires and Supreme Commander.
Some bugs were related to the development process itself. The Protoss Carrier regularly lagged behind other units because it had its own way of doing … everything. At some point in time the code for the Carrier was branched from the main game code and had diverged beyond any hope of re-integration. Consequently any time a feature was added for other units, it had to be re-implemented for the Carrier. And any time a bug was fixed for other units, a similar bug would later be found in the Carrier code too, only more devious and difficult to fix.
But the biggest thing holding back StarCraft was unit path-finding.
It wasn’t that the path-finding was totally broken; in most cases it worked quite well. But there were enough edge-cases that the game was un-shippable.
Game units would get stuck and stop on the battlefield. Often they would go through elaborate efforts to find paths, inching forward or looping around but not making progress, and sometimes getting wedged and unable to move further. Entire task forces would get bogged down in what looked like the afternoon commute.
The problem was frustrating for players, but also made the AI weak and consequently made it impossible to balance the missions, wasting design time.
Though I was never a top-tier RTS player, before t