ClassicPress has been around for over 4 years now. It is a community-funded and community-driven project. That’s why we need your help deciding where ClassicPress should go.
Over the past few years, our core team has been working on improving ClassicPress and backporting features from WordPress. As WordPress continued to evolve, ClassicPress got a bit behind in adding new features as the focus became PHP 8+ compatibility.
Now, we have an opportunity to decide what the future holds for ClassicPress.
We’re presenting you with 2 paths to choose from:
Path 1: Re-fork ClassicPress using WordPress 6.0
For a while now, we’ve had some work done on a fork of WordPress 6.0, removing the block editor
and related components. Anyone interested can check out this WP-CMS repository.
It’s not finished, it has issues, but a lot of the work to remove the block editor from WP has been completed. This would serve as a starting point to re-fork ClassicPress based on WordPress 6.0. Potentially, this could become ClassicPress 2.0. There are pros/cons:
- PHP 8.0/8.1 compatibility (same as WP)
- Some plugins/themes compatible with WordPress 5+ would become compatible with ClassicPress
- The new cherrypicking process could m