Folder navigation is the main way that personal computer users retrieve their own files. People dedicate considerable time to creating systematic structures to facilitate such retrieval. Despite the prevalence of both manual organization and navigation, there is very little systematic data about how people actually carry out navigation, or about the relation between organization structure and retrieval parameters. The aims of our research were therefore to study users’ folder structure, personal file navigation, and the relations between them. We asked 296 participants to retrieve 1,131 of their active files and analyzed each of the 5,035 navigation steps in these retrievals. Folder structures were found to be shallow (files were retrieved from mean depth of 2.86 folders), with small folders (a mean of 11.82 files per folder) containing many subfolders (M=10.64). Navigation was largely successful and efficient with participants successfully accessing 94% of their files and taking 14.76 seconds to do this on average. Retrieval time and success depended on folder size and depth. We therefore found the users’ decision to avoid both deep structure and large folders to be adaptive. Finally, we used a predictive model to formulate the effect of folder depth and folder size on retrieval time, and suggested an optimization point in this trade-off. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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The Effect of Folder Structure on Personal File Navigation
Ofer Bergman
Department of Information Science, Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan, 52900 Israel
Phone: 972-523-583842, Fax: 972-3-7384027, Email:
Steve Whittaker
IBM Research
IBM Almaden Research Center,
Phone: 1-408-927-1737, Email:
Mark Sanderson
Department of Information Studies, Sheffield University
Regent Court, 211 Portobello St, Sheffield, S1 4DP, UK
Tel: 44-114-2222648, Fax: 44-114-2780300, Email:
Rafi Nachmias
Department of Education, Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Tel: 972-3-6406532, Fax 972-3-6407752, Email:
Anand Ramamoorthy
Department of Experimental Psychology, Universiteit Ghent
9000, Ghent, Belgium
Phone: 32 09 2646398, Email:
This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology copyright © 2010 (American Society for Information
Science and Technology)
Folder navigation is the main way that personal computer users retrieve their own
files. People dedicate considerable time to creating systematic structures to facilitate
such retrieval. Despite the prevalence of both manual organization and navigation,
there is very little systematic data about how people actually carry out navigation, or
about the relation between organization structure and retrieval parameters. The aims
of our research were therefore to study users’ folder structure, personal file navigation,
and the relations between them. We asked 296 participants to retrieve a total of 1,131
of their active files and analyzed each of the 5,035 navigation steps in these retrievals.
Folder structures were found to be shallow (files were retrieved from mean depth of
2.86 folders), with small folders (a mean of 11.82 files per folder) containing many
subfolders (M = 10.64). Navigation was largely successful and efficient with
participants successfully accessing 94% of their files and taking 14.76 seconds to do
this on average. Retrieval time and success depended on folder size and depth. We
therefore found users’ decision to avoid both deep structure and large folders to be
adaptive. Finally, we used a predictive model to formulate the effect of folder depth
and folder size on retrieval time, and suggested an optimization point in this trade-off.
Personal file navigation (navigation for short) is a two-phase process. First, users
manually traverse their organizational hierarchy until they reach the folder in which the target
file is stored. Second, they locate the file within that folder (Bergman, Beyth-Marom,
Nachmias, Gradovitch, & Whittaker, 2008).
Most information retrieval research has focused on public data sources such as
databases, libraries and the web, developing various theories and methods for organizing and
retrieving such public information. Yet all of us expend considerable effort organizing and
accessing our personal information, using predominantly manual methods to prepare for
subsequent retrieval. Surprisingly little is known about this process, in terms of how
successful people are at organizing and retrieving their personal data.
This paper therefore attempts to empirically investigate various questions relating to
navigational retrieval, personal folder organization and the relationship between them. We
present large-scale quantitative data about: a) participants’ folder structure and organizational
strategies; b) navigation success and efficiency; and c) the effects of folder structure on
retrieval success and efficiency. In contrast to previous research that focused on file structure
alone, our study also quantitatively investigated file navigation retrieval in a natural setting,
and examined the effect of structure on folder navigation.
There has been some prior research on how people organize their personal
information. Early studies looked at the organization of personal paper archives (Malone,
1983; Whittaker & Hirschberg, 2001) finding two prevalent strategies: filing and piling.
Because of the characteristics of filing cabinets and folders, early studies found only few
instances of complex subfoldering of paper archives (Cole, 1981). More recent work has
documented organizational strategies across different types of digital data, detailing how
people organize emails (Whittaker & Sidner, 1996), web data (Abrams, Baecker, & Chignell,
1998; Tauscher & Greenberg, 1997), photos (Kirk, Sellen, Rother, & Wood, 2006),
documents (Gonçalves & Jorge, 2003; Hardof-Jaffe, Hershkovitz, Abu-Kishk, Bergman, &
Nachmias, 2009a, 2009b; Henderson & Srinivasan, 2009; Jones, Phuwanartnurak, Gill, &
Bruce, 2005) or common strategies across all these data types (Bergman, Beyth-Marom, &
Nachmias, 2006, 2008; Boardman & Sasse, 2004). While such studies have looked at how we
manually organize personal information, less attention has been paid to how people exploit
these structures to access that information.
Some recent studies document the problems people experience with organizing
personal information. People find it hard to organize emails, making folders that are either too
big or too small (Fisher, Brush, Gleave, & Smith, 2006; Whittaker & Sidner, 1996). For
example, Whittaker and Sidner (1996) found that almost 40% of email folders contain 2 or
fewer items and Henderson and Srinivasan (2009) showed that 8% of file folders created are
empty, showing that people create structures that they fail to actively exploit for organization.
In contrast, with digital photos, people create large folder structures that contain
heterogeneous pictures from many different events, making it hard to find older digital photos
(Whittaker, Bergman, & Clough, 2009). Other studies show that web bookmark folders are
often not useful in supporting retrieval of web documents (Abrams et al., 1998; Aula, Jhaveri,
& Kaki, 2005; Tauscher & Greenberg, 1997). And when users are asked to explain their
organization in PIM (personal information management) ‘desktop tours’, they usually express
dissatisfaction and modify their organization as they give the tour (Boardman & Sasse, 2004;
Whittaker & Sidner, 1996).
One response to these organizational problems has been to propose a move to desktop
search. Much novel desktop search technology has been developed over the last few years,
e.g. Google Desktop, Microsoft Windows Search, and Macintosh Spotlight. According to its
advocates, desktop search promises to minimize users’ organizational problems, because it
reduces the need to manually organize personal information, which is automatically indexed
by the search engine. Search has other potential advantages: it allows flexible and efficient
ways to query one’s personal information (Cutrell, Dumais, & Teevan, 2006; Russell &
Lawrence, 2007). Despite its promise, however, various studies still show a strong preference
for navigation over search when both are available for accessing personal information
(Barreau & Nardi, 1995; Boardman & Sasse, 2004; Kirk et al., 2006; Teevan, Alvarado,
Ackerman, & Karger, 2004). Moreover, the use of improved search engines has been shown
to have little effect on this preference (Bergman et al., 2008). Bergman et al. (2008) showed
that regardless of search engine quality, there was a strong preference for navigation. Search
was predominantly used as a last resort only when users could not remember the location of a
file. There was also little evidence that using improved desktop search leads people to change
their filing habits to become less reliant on hierarchical file organization.
It therefore seems that (at least for the foreseeable future) manual file organization
and navigation will be critical PIM behaviors. This paper therefore attempts to explore and
quantify various research questions relating to three topics: folder structure, navigation
performance and the effect of structure on retrieval.
Folder structure
There are important trade-offs to be made in organizing files and folders. Folder
hierarchies may lie between two extremes: (a) broad and shallow or (b) deep and narrow.
Broad shallow hierarchies allow faster access to folders, but increase the time needed to scan
within each folder. In contrast, deep narrow hierarchies allow faster scanning of each folder,
but users have to access more folders overall. Previous work is inconclusive about which of
these strategies people most commonly use.
In an early study, Barreau (1995) studied 7 participants using DOS, OS/2, Windows,
and Macintosh operating systems. Only three of her participants used folders at all, the other
four grouped their files simply by placing them on separate floppy disks. More recent studies
have generated contradictory findings about the structure of personal file systems. Gonçalves
& Jorge (2003) studied the folder structure of 11 computer scientists using Windows (8),
Linux (2) and Solaris OS (1). Their results show extremely deep, narrow hierarchies. The
average directory depth was found to be 8.45, with an average branching factor (which is an
estimate of the mean number of subfolders per folder) of 1.84. In contrast, a larger scale study
by Henderson and Srinivasan (2009) looked at the folder structure of 73 university employees
using Windows OS. The structures they found were much shallower, being only 3.4 folders
deep on average (similar results were obtained by Boardman & Sasse, 2004). Folders tended
to be broader with an average of 4.1 subfolders per folder, for non-leaf folders. Both studies
found relatively small numbers of files per folder: 13 for Gonçalves & Jorge (2003) and 11.1
for Henderson & Srinivasan (2009).
However, one significant limitation of the above studies is that they examine the
user’s entire folder archive, which may contain thousands of inactive files in archival
structures that have not been touched for years. For example, Gonçalves & Jorge (2003)
document that over half the files in the users’ system had not been modified for over a year.
Instead, our study focused on active parts of the structure from which the user had recently
retrieved files. Other work has documented a strong tendency to access recent personal
information (Bergman et al., 2008, Dumais et al., 2003, Tang et al., 2008), and we wanted to
focus on these more typical access situations.
Our study investigated the following research questions regarding folder structure:
1.1 Depth: At what depth in the folder hierarchy are active files stored? – Are they stored in
deep structures as found in Gonçalves & Jorge (2003) or shallow ones as in Henderson &
Srinivasan (2009)?
1.2 Size: How big are file folders?
1.3 Internal Structure: How many subfolders and files are in each folder?
1.4 Relations between Structure and Depth: Does folder depth affect folder size, number of
subfolders and percentage of subfolders?
1.5 Subfoldering Distribution: What percentage of each folder is taken up with subfolders?
How is this subfolder percentage distributed across all folder items? What explains this
Navigation Success
Prior research has consistently shown that navigation is the main way in which users
retrieve their files (Bergman, Beyth-Marom, Nachmias et al., 2008; Boardman & Sasse, 2004;
Kirk et al., 2006; Teevan et al., 2004). However, no prior research has quantified how people
actually navigate to their folders in their natural setting. Our study examined retrieval success
rate and the time users took to navigate to their files. We can interpret these results in terms of
users’ memory of their file locations.
Our research questions for navigation success were:
2.1 Success Rate: How often are participants successful in retrieving their files?
2.2 Factors Affecting Success: We collected information about retrieval strategies. We
examined the number of retrieval steps, i.e. the number of times a user opened a new folder,
as well as step duration – the time taken to scan each folder. We asked the following
questions: What is the distribution of retrieval outcome? How does retrieval outcome relate to
retrieval time, number of steps per retrieval and step duration? And what do these results
imply for users’ memory for file location?
The Effects of Structure on Retrieval
While prior work has documented different organizational strategies, it hasn’t
examined the effect of these strategies on retrieval. It seems, however, that there are trade-
offs in how users choose to organize their information. Broad shallow hierarchies reduce the
number of folders to be scanned, but increase the time to scan the contents of each folder. In
contrast, narrow, deep hierarchies reduce scan time per folder, but mean that more folders
have to be accessed overall.
Although the effect of structure on retrieval has not been examined for personal files,
it has been studied extensively for menu navigation (Jacko & Salvendy, 1996; Kiger, 1984;
Miller, 1981; Snowberry, Parkinson, & Sisson, 1984) and for Web page navigation (Furnas,
1997; Kim, Li, Moy, & Ni, 2001; Larson & Czerwinski, 1998; Shneiderman, 1997; Zaphiris
& Mtei, 1997; Zhang, Zhu, & Greenwood, 2004). Overall, breadth is better than depth in
terms of both error rate and retrieval time, i.e. choosing broad shallow hierarchies leads to
more effective retrieval. For example, Miller (1981) tested 4 artificial menu structures with 64
bottom level nodes: 26 (6 levels of depth with 2 items of breadth), 43 (three levels of depth
each with 4 items of breadth), 82 (two levels of depth with 8 items of breath) and 641 (64 top
level items). Of the four structures, the 82 supported fastest retrieval and lowest error rate.
These results suggest that some hierarchical organization reduces the visual overcrowding
found in the 641 structure; however, deep structures should also be avoided. Indeed later
studies (which did not test the ‘no hierarchy’ option) found that retrieval time is positively
correlated with depth for both menus and Web pages (Furnas, 1997; Jacko & Salvendy, 1996;
Kiger, 1984; Kim et al., 2001; Zaphiris & Mtei, 1997). For web design, a widely quoted
heuristic for navigation design is the “three clicks rule,” which states that the user should be
able to get from the homepage to any other page on the site within three mouse clicks,
arguing for shallow organizational structure (Zhang, Zhu, & Greenwood, 2004).
Our research questions for the effect of structure on retrieval were:
3.1 Folder Depth and Retrieval Time: Does folder depth affect retrieval time?
3.2 Folder Size and Retrieval Time: Does folder size affect step duration and retrieval time?
3.3 Folder Size, Folder Depth and Success: Do structural elements (folder size and depth)
affect retrieval success?
3.4 Predictive Modeling: How do folder depth and size predict retrieval time?
Previous work examined organizational strategies in relatively small numbers of
participants. In contrast, in our study, to increase external validity, we collected data from
large numbers of users sampled in a naturalistic setting. The requirement for lightweight, non-
intrusive data collection led us to a procedure in which we recruited users and videotaped
their screens as they accessed files from their own computers. We did not install software on
people’s machines to record organization and retrieval behaviors. Installation is error prone,
and pilot interviews showed that users were concerned about its intrusiveness and potential
implications for their privacy.
Other studies have tried to profile people’s entire document collections (Gonçalves &
Jorge, 2003; Henderson & Srinivasan, 2009; Tang et al., 2007). However, this runs the risk of
cataloguing large numbers of documents that may not have been accessed for very long
periods. Instead, we wanted to look at typical access behaviors. Other research shows that
users tend to most frequently access recent information items regardless of whether these are
files, web pages or emails (Bergman, Beyth-Marom, Nachmias et al., 2008; Dumais et al.,
2003; Tang et al., 2008). We therefore videoed participants navigating to files in their Recent
Documents list, i.e. personal files that they had recently spontaneously retrieved and opened
from their own computers, as part of their everyday computer use. There were a number of
other important benefits to this approach. Focusing on recent files meant users were trying to
access files that we were confident were present on users’ disks and that were definitely
retrievable by the user. It also allowed us to identify active files without having to manipulate
or access participants’ file systems, avoiding encroaching on their privacy.
Participants were 296 everyday computer users: 163 males, 133 females. The large
majority of participants were students and employees at Sheffield University. The participants
were directly approached by the researchers in the university and students’ hall of residence
(non random selection). We knocked on their doors in the evenings and asked them to spare a
few minutes for the study. Participants’ ages ranged from 16 to 64 years (M = 26.44, SD =
9.63). The majority of participants were Windows OS users (246: 181 XP, 62 Vista, 3
Windows 2000), 43 used a Mac, and 7 used a Linux operating system.
Participants used their own computers for the retrieval task. The tester printed out the
participants’ Recent Documents list, asking them to navigate to each file (the target) in that
list in order. Participants were asked to click on the target file once but not open it. We did
this to preserve users’ privacy as these files might contain sensitive information. Participants
were asked to close all folders before each navigation task took place, so that all retrievals
started from the desktop. Participants were asked to skip a file in the list when they had
already navigated to that target folder during a previous access task. We did this to prevent
access to these items being primed because that folder had already been accessed. We asked
our participants to access only files saved on their computer and to avoid retrieving files on
external drives (such as a memory stick) and email attachments that hadn’t been saved as files
on their hard drive. The procedure took approximately 10 minutes.
Our study includes 1,131 valid retrievals. Of the initial overall set of 1,158 recorded
retrievals, we excluded 2% that were deemed invalid for the following reasons: 15 retrievals
were interrupted by external events such as phone calls or instant messenger alerts. In a
further 6 retrievals, participants did not follow the above procedure (e.g. they moved the
mouse-pointer over the Recent Documents list to look up the file’s path instead of using the
printout); 3 participants used a library computer so the Recent Documents list did not contain
any of their personal files; for 2, the video recording was not clear enough to be analyzed, and
1 participant had deleted all files on the list prior to the experiment.
The target files of these retrievals were in various formats: 469 text files (e.g., doc
files), 160 pictures (e.g., jpg files), 126 pdf files, 64 Excel files, 49 MP3 files, 40 PowerPoint
files, 28 video clips (e.g., avi files), 16 SPSS files, 14 html files, 48 files in unidentified
format and 117 files in other, less common formats.
Retrieval Time Measurements
Recordings of user interactions were made using a high definition digital video
camera (1080). This was sufficient resolution to allow the user interaction to be timed
accurately, with text on screen being readable by our analysts almost all the time.
We measured retrieval time by analyzing the videos frame-by-frame. In a pilot, it was
found that in the camera’s default setting, frames were not of equal duration, making timing
calculations very complex. This problem was resolved by adjusting the camera so that frames
were recorded at a fixed rate of 25 frames per second, making each frame 40 milliseconds
(0.04 second) long.
Retrieval Time: Retrieval time was measured from the first mouse movement made
by a participant in the navigation, until the moment when they either clicked on the target file
(in successful retrievals) or announced that they could not find it (in failure retrievals).
Step Duration: We use the term ‘step’ for each folder opened in the navigation
process. In our study, we measured 5,035 steps. Step duration was measured from the time a
folder was opened until the time the user either (a) clicked on the next folder, (b) reverted to a
parent folder (if the relevant item was not found), (c) clicked on the target file, or (d) said, “I
give up.” We excluded the time taken from clicking on a folder to that folder’s opening, as
pilots showed that this time was inconsistent across different computers depending on their
configuration and performance. Because of this correction, the total time for aggregated steps
is slightly shorter than the overall retrieval time.
Research Limitations
As users, we are very oriented to the semantics of our files. We organize files and
give files and folders names based on their intrinsic meaning. Semantics undoubtedly affects
navigation success and retrieval time. However, our research focuses on structural rather than
semantic elements and their effect on retrieval. Each person’s semantic organization is highly
individual (Boardman & Sasse, 2004), making it hard to compare the effects of semantics
across individuals. Evaluating these effects was beyond the scope of this research and should
be addressed in future work.
Folder Structure
The video recordings provide information about the users’ folder organization
strategies. We were able to collect information about the organization of the folders that
participants accessed as they navigated to the target file. In this section, we describe
properties of the hierarchical structure, such as folder depth, size and breadth (number of
1.1 At what depth in the folder hierarchy are active files stored?
Folder depth is the number of steps in the folder path that the participants traversed to
get directly to the folder containing the target file. The folder depth of the desktop is 0, and
the folder depth of the root folder (e.g., My Documents) is 1. Figure 1 presents a frequency
distribution of the depth of the target file for 1,054 successful retrievals. We obviously could
not determine the depth when users failed to find the target. We excluded 8 additional
retrievals because the recordings were not clear enough. We treated shortcuts in different
ways depending on whether we were analyzing folder structure or retrieval. In the current
section we are interested in folder structure, when participants used a shortcut for access, we
identified the depth of the file rather than of the shortcut, as we were interested in where the
location and context of where the file was logically stored. Section 3.1 describes how we
treat shortcuts in retrieval context. Full numerical results are in Table 3 second column in the
The mean folder depth of the target was 2.86 (SD = 1.85). The median folder depth
was 3. Furthermore, the majority of retrieved files (82%) were stored at depths of 4 or less
(see Figure 1). This is in clear contrast to previous studies which report overall depths of 8.45
for entire archives (Gonçalves & Jorge, 2003). There was also considerable use of the
desktop: in 115 retrievals (11% of all retrievals) participants used a desktop folder shortcut
and in 75 (7%) retrievals they used files placed on the desktop.
Figure 1. Frequency distribution of depth of target file.
A possible explanation for the shallow hierarchical position of active files is that
people rely on default locations (such as My Documents and My Pictures). However, only
136 retrievals (12%) were made from such default storage locations (e.g. files retrieved
directly from My Documents folder, as opposed to subfolders inside it). The default location
folders used in these retrievals contained an average of 19.42 files on the average (SD
=37.28). This clearly indicates that these folders are not large enough to serve as the users’
only file repository. Lack of reliance on defaults implies that the majority of participants
made efforts to construct their own organizational hierarchies rather than relying on
placement by the application.
These findings inform us about hierarchical depth of the folder containing the target
file; in the next sections (1.2 – 1.5), we report on folders at each individual step in the retrieval
process. Whenever our results include depth we report only Direct Navigation retrievals:
retrievals in which the user went directly to the target file, without making mistakes by
accessing irrelevant folders. In this case, the hierarchical depth of each folder along the path
was consistent with the step number (each step increases the depth, except the last one from
which the file is retrieved). We omitted results regarding folder depth 0, as in the first step,
participants did not navigate using a folder but used either a menu (e.g. Start ->My
Documents) or the desktop instead.
1.2 How big were file folders?
On average, folders that participants used in their navigation contained 22.46
information items (i.e., files and subfolders), (SD = 32.30). The median folder size was much
smaller: 15 information items. This difference between the average and median was due to a
long tail of very big folders, some of which contained a large number of machine-generated
files (e.g., picture folders populated by camera software or music folders managed by music
1.3 How many subfolders and files were in each folder?
On average, participants’ folders contained 10.64 subfolders (SD = 23.54) and 11.82
files (SD = 27.47). When calculating the average percentage of subfolders in relation to all
information items (files and subfolders), we find that about half of the information items in
the folders were subfolders (M = 54%, SD = 36%). This is again striking: instead of
organizing information into a small number of folders containing huge numbers of files, the
large number of subfolders suggests that users spend time and effort to create structure in
their file system, in anticipation of future retrievals.
1.4 Does folder depth affect folder size, number of subfolders and percentage of
The average folder size at different depth levels is represented by the top diamond
line in Figure 2 (for numerical values including standard deviations, see Table 4 in the
appendix). As is evident from the graph, there is a negative correlation between folder depth
and folder size, with folders becoming smaller at greater depths (Pearson r(2,248)= -0.13, p <
0.01). A possible explanation for this is that deeper folders are added later than shallower
ones, so participants have less time to populate them with files and subfolders. Alternatively,
participants keep active files on higher levels to promote accessibility.
Figure 2. Folder properties at different depths.
Figure 2 also shows the mean number of files (center triangle line) and subfolders
(bottom square line). Both graphs seem to decay with depth at approximately the same rate.
Although there is a small negative correlation between folder depth and percentage of
subfolders (r(2,642) = -0.06, p < 0.01), each folder depth has an average of about 50% files
and 50% subfolders (except for the more infrequent 7-11-level deep folders) as confirmed in
Table 4.
This constant average percentage of subfolders disconfirms the common intuition that
higher folder levels serve as structural aids; they are populated mostly by folders whereas
deeper folder levels contain mostly files.
1.5 What is the distribution of the percentage of subfolders in all folder items? And
what explains this distribution?
A histogram of subfolder distribution of all information items in folders is presented
in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Percentage of subfolders in folders.
Figure 3 clearly shows a bi-modal distribution of subfolder percentages. Moreover,
32% of the folders contain either only files (331 folders – 12 % of all folders measured) or
only subfolders (521 – 20% of the folders). What explains this bi-modal distribution? Why do
some of the folders contain exclusively or mainly files, while other folders contain
exclusively or only subfolders? The answer to this question is not in the folder structure: we
found (in the previous section) that folder depth has little effect on subfolder percentage. The
explanation relates to the difference between Target Folders (folders containing the target
files) and those which are navigated through on the way to the target. Figure 4 divides Figure
3 into two histograms: Target Folders and Navigation Folders (folders that precede the target
in the navigation path).
Figure 4. The subfolders histogram divided into target and navigation folders.
Figure 4 shows that Target Folders contained mostly files and are ‘responsible’ for the
“all files” peak in the bi-modal distribution of Figure 3, while Navigation Folders contained
mostly subfolders and are ‘responsible’ for the “all subfolders” peak in the bi-modal
distribution. An independent sample t test shows that the subfolder percentage of Target
Folders (M = 13%, SD = 22%) was significantly smaller than the subfolder percentage of the
Navigation Folders (M = 65%, SD = 31%), t(2,641)=37.52, p<0.01. The effect (a difference
of 52% between averages) is l