It is very frustrating when I see the ration on how much time I spend coding my app and how much time I spend troubleshooting the toolchain :/
The code is full of ignore eslint here and there. I let prettifier format my code, WTF ??? Now with all the type definitions my function signature is 5 lines long :D
And why do I need TypeScript with a react app after all. The react prop types where an unnecessary bureaucracy already. I like TypeScript in the backend thought, at least until there is an exception and the backtrace shows the transpiled code and I have to reverse engineer it.
I'm not in the mood to figure out how to start a debugging session with VS code. So I'm back with console.log.
Now I think I'm done with my app, I run npm run build, open the browser, nothing works. I guess two days of troubleshooting ahead.