What you see here
is the stunning background art
of one of the most beautiful sci-fi games.
H o m e w o r l d 2
Thanks for reading.
Just kidding. Of course i have something to say about this. In the company we look at the art of Homeworld from time to time and bow to the creators of this masterpiece. Once we talked about how great the background look and how interesting this sketched style is. There is something…some details seem…special to us.
I mentioned, that this looks a bit like… a vertex color gradient. But they wouldn’t paint the background on geometry, right? I mean…that would has to be a highly tessellated sphere.
The discussion was over but I wasn’t satisfied and wanted at least see the textures. So i used some mod tools to extract the Homeworld 2 Demo data but there were no textures. Only some .HOD files. I used Google and found a thread how to generate these .HOD files from a .TGA. It was said:
“…scans every pixel of the image then based on contrast
it decides whether or not to add a new vertex and color…”
Could it really be, that this is vertex color? Luckily you can watch at .HOD file with CFHodEdit. And another tool can force a wireframe mode. And now look what this brought to light:
This is one
of the most brave
solutions for game art i ever saw.
And here you can see how this influences the sky sphere geometry of
I meant to play this again last year, but it turns out that it’s another casualty of the mac 32-bit kill-off, and there doesn’t seem to be an obviously easy way to get it running with Wine or equivalents. Maybe I’ll look into it again…
Fun fact, when I was like… 12, I made a presentation to my parents based off the Demo of this game as to why they should buy it. I sold them on it when one slide was just a photo of a single perfectly rendered missile being fired, traveling across space.
It really is some of the most beautiful looking space games ever made, I used to play this a lot as a kid and I was so disappointed to learn that nowhere in space looks like this game. I wish more sci-fi media embraced this kind of aesthetic, bright colorful space with nebula sunsets, almost makes the void inviting.
The personal project linked in the article is so beautifully done. A joy to interact with