by Edsger W. Dijkstra In the world around us we encounter two radically different views of programming: View A: Programming in essence is very easy. View B: Programming is intrinsically very difficult. One can dismiss this discrepancy by concluding that, apparently, in the two views the same word “programming” is used in two quite different
A tree view (collapsible list) can be created using only HTML and CSS, without the need for JavaScript. Accessibility software will see the tree view as lists nested inside disclosure widgets, and the standard keyboard interaction is supported automatically. Giant planets Gas giants Jupiter Saturn Ice giants Uranus Neptune The HTML We begin with the…

If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy. “How can you be so dense?” Whether you dislike NFTs, don’t understand them, or think you can make money from them, you can’t escape the NFT discourse. Game stores are no different. Valve have banned…