This application allows you to upload an image and generate a JavaScript script that can be run in your browser’s console. The script will render the image
This page is intended to supply a list of some useful symbols separated by topic so they can be found quickly without the need to search in the Unicode reference tables. Typography[edit | edit source] ✓ 2713 check mark ✗ 2717 cross mark ‒ 2012 figure dash – 2013 en dash — 2014 em dash ― 2015 quotation dash ⸺ 2E3A two-em…

The beta review period for Unicode 15.0 has started. The Unicode Standard is the foundation for all modern software and communications around the world, including all modern operating systems, browsers, laptops, and smart phones-plus the Internet and Web (URLs, HTML, XML, CSS, JSON, etc.). The Unicode Standard, its associated standards, and data form the foundation…