Your guide to tax returns 🧾💸 as

The international mobile system is exposed and a loophole allows hackers, cybercriminals and states to geolocate targets and even hijack email and web accounts. Israelis can be found among the victims – and the attackersA day before he was shot dead getting into his car outside his home in Chilpancingo, the capital of the southern

Feb 6 (Reuters) – Swiss citizens will get the chance to try to ensure their economy never becomes cashless, a pressure group said, after collecting enough signatures by Monday to trigger a popular vote on the issue.The FBS (Free Switzerland Movement) says cash is playing a shrinking role in many economies, as electronic payments become

A collection of arrow macros. Usage Installation Getting Started (ns example.core (:require [swiss.arrows :refer :all])) Overview – , -> The Diamond Wand, Diamond Spear some- , some-> The Nil-shortcutting Diamond Wand apply-> , apply->> Applicative arrows (WIP) -!> , -!>> , -! Non-updating Arrows (- 2 (* 5) (vector 1 2 3 4)) =>…

Words: Anne-Marie Hoeve Photos: Top to Top, Florian Ledoux With their six children and a sailboat, Dario and Sabine Schwörer have travelled the seven seas, educating people about nature and the changing climate, doing research and sharing examples of innovative solutions they encountered along the way. In a journey spanning over 20 years, they remain…

– Schweizer Armee verbietet Whatsapp Im Dienst sollen Armeeangehörige künftig die Schweizer Messaging-App Threema nutzen. Alle anderen Kurznachrichtendienste sind nicht mehr erlaubt – aus Sicherheitsgründen.Aktualisiert: 05.01.2022, 06:25Fotos, Texte und Sprachnachrichten dürfen Armeeangehörige nicht mehr per Whatsapp, Telegram oder Signal verschicken.Foto: Laurent Gilliéron (Keystone)In der Armee heisst es neu: Threema für alle – Threema pour tous…