I am convinced there exists something we can call statistical literacy. Unfortunately, I don’t yet know exactly what it is, so it is hard to write about. One thing is clear: it is not about knowlege of statistical tools and techniques. Most of the statistically literate people I meet don’t know a lick of formal
There are two ways to present statistical process control: one for the practitioner, and one for the statistician. This is the practitioner’s version. In this version, the reason behind some things will be given as, People have relied on these tools to increase quality and decrease costs for over 80 years. Trust me, it works.…

This open educational resource integrates information from my blog, my MOOCs Improving Your Statistical Inferences and Improving Your Statistical Questions, and my scientific work. The goal is to make the information more accessible, and easier to update in the future. I have re-used and adapted (parts of) my own open access articles, without adding quotation…