Tell HN: “Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Win+L” opens LinkedIn if you’re using Windows

The big experiments in high-energy physics are fertile ground for new developments in computers and communications – witness the World Wide Web, which was developed at CERN. Computer specialist Ben Segal recalls how distributed UNIX boxes took over from CERN’s all-powerful IBM and Cray mainframe workhorses. The changing landscape at CERN’s Computer Centre: 1988, with

At Kubecon Europe 2022, some of cloud native computing’s best and brightest security minds talked about where we’re at now and where we’re going. The really short version is, “We’ll be shifting security left into DevSecOps as fast as we can.” But all the experts admitted, that’s easier said than done. The fundamental reason security…

Starting in May, YouTube will not allow individuals in its controversial Trusted Flagger program, instead focusing “exclusively on key partnerships with a variety of NGOs and Government Agencies.” The Trusted Flagger program began in 2012 as a communal volunteer effort to remove content that violates YouTube’s policies. It worked with NGO and government agencies as…