About this page Mathics3 Live shell allows you to use Mathics3 in the browser without the need to install anything on your computer. Th

Here’s a genealogy of shells descended from the first Unix shell, the Thompson shell. Each descendant appears at the year that it was first announced to the world. For example, S. R. Bourne announced his shell in the Bell System Technical Journal in 1978 but Bell released it to the world in 1979 or so.

The gpt-shell.py script is a robust Python command-line interface that harnesses the power of OpenAI’s GPT models to offer insightful suggestions for Linux shell commands. Whether you input a specific command or describe a task, the application will generate an appropriate command as interpreted by the selected GPT model. Leveraging modules like openai, tiktoken, and

In the previous blog post we discussed using Tigris as a scalable, cost-effective, and open source alternative to MongoDB Atlas. As a continuation of that, this blog post will demonstrate using the MongoDB Shell mongosh in a way that is transparent to the application that the data is stored in Tigris Cloud database.Furthermore, there will
Some things that make shell scripts have performance issues April 24, 2022 Yesterday I mentioned that one version of my shell script that probably shouldn’t be a shell script had performance problems. Both versions of this script actually make a useful illustration of some things that make shell scripts slow and, along with it, some…
What’s This? This is my opinion on an important topic of the month. Editorial Log4Shell Shows The Need for “Trustworthy Java” What Just Happened? I believe Log4Shell is Java’s biggest crisis. I reported on it in the “New & Noteworthy” section of my newsletter. A quick recap: The US cybersecurity and infrastructure agency director called…