My sons need laptops for school homework. I would like to choose something which isn't necessarily tied down to a vendor like Google, but which I can secure to a sensible degree.What solutions have all of you hit upon? Is there a kids' Linux distro which is lightweight and does the trick? What's best to
Ask HN: Recommendations on NLP solution to compile meeting notes?
Get personal recommendations for movies and TV shows available on Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime Video and many more. Streaming services on JustWatchALL IN ONE PLACEYour streaming guideGet personal recommendations and see what’s new across your favorite streaming services.ONE SEARCHOne search to rule them allNever go back and forth between your services again to find…

Authors: Frank Ren|Director, Backend Engineering, Xiaohu Li|Manager, Backend Engineering, Devin Thomson| Lead, Backend Engineer, Daniel Geng|Backend EngineerSpecial thanks to: Timothy Der |Senior Site Reliability Engineer, for operational and deployment supportIn the earliest stages of Tinder’s explosive growth, the engineering team identified that search would be a strong component for supporting real-time recommendations. Since then, it…
Hi,I'm thinking of starting a few side projects but very worried about the Intellectual Property clause within my employement contract I signed years ago.I'm looking for a lawyer who could help me parse the following clauses, or am I snookered and should just quit.I'm wordering how an overlap is determined. Would that be for a…

This living document comprises my recommendations for how to organize and manage Rust CLI applications. In this document, I cover some tips and best practices for writing Rust applications, informed by my experience writing real-world Rust tools. I’ve focused on command-line tools here, but many of the suggestions can be generalized to graphical and server…