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Why Rails in 2025? by lifesaverluke

Why Rails in 2025? by lifesaverluke

Sometimes it catches me off guard to remember that not everyone I might encounter works with or even knows anything about Ruby on Rails. I’ve had years of front-row experience with Rails that allow me insight into the fulfilling and productive work it enables. When encountering someone without my familiarity with the framework, there’s a

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Rails 7.1 Released by sathishmanohar

Rails 7.1 Released by sathishmanohar

Fix AS::MessagePack with ENV[“RAILS_MAX_THREADS”]. Jonathan Hefner Add a new public API for broadcasting logs This feature existed for a while but was until now a private API. Broadcasting log allows to send log message to difference sinks (STDOUT, a file …) and is used by default in the development environment to write logs both on

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The Rails Doctrine by thunderbong

The Rails Doctrine by thunderbong

Optimize for programmer happiness There would be no Rails without Ruby, so it’s only fitting that the first doctrinal pillar is lifted straight from the core motivation for creating Ruby. Ruby’s original heresy was indeed to place the happiness of the programmer on a pedestal. Above many other competing and valid concerns that had driven

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Abstraction in Rails by ksec

Abstraction in Rails by ksec

If we wanted to, we could, of course, write web applications in assembly code. Computers can understand assembly code just as well as Ruby or Python or any other language. The reason we write programs in higher-level languages like Ruby or Python is that while assembly language is easy for computers to understand, it’s of…

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In the Shadows of Innovation”

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In the Shadows of Innovation”

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