Firebird 5 offers a number of security options, designed to make unauthorised access as difficult as possible.It pays to familiarise yourself with Firebird’s security-related configuration parameters. You can significantly enhance your system’s security if you raise the protection level wherever possible. This is not only a matter of setting parameters, by the way: other measures

In traditional low level languages such as C iteration is implemented manually, with users writing out for (int idx = 0; idx ShortCircuit Expr::Literal(bool), ShortCircuit::Unknown(p) => Expr::Predicate(p), }, // reduce And expressions Expr::And(a, b) => match (&**a, &**b) { (Expr::Literal(false), _) => Expr::Literal(false), (_, Expr::Literal(false)) => Expr::Literal(false), (x, Expr::Literal(true)) => x.reduce_and_short_circuit(eval_predicate), (Expr::Literal(true), x) => x.reduce_and_short_circuit(eval_predicate)
Loading metrics Citation: Wilson G (2022) Twelve quick tips for software design. PLoS Comput Biol 18(2): e1009809. Francis Ouellette, McGill University, CANADAPublished: February 24, 2022Copyright: © 2022 Greg Wilson. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any…
Almost two years ago I wrote a blog post about my browsers setup. A few things have changed since then and my browser setup is a bit different now. So let me post a quick follow up. Firefox + Safari I stopped using Chrome almost entirely. Only launch it every now and then to test…