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[Submitted on 7 Aug 2022 (v1), last revised 28 Mar 2023 (this version, v4)] Download PDF Abstract:This is a draft of the textbook/monograph that presents computability theory using string diagrams. The introductory chapters have been taught as graduate and undergraduate courses and evolved through 8 years of lecture notes. The later chapters contain new ideas
Documentation Go 1 and the Future of Go Programs Introduction The release of Go version 1, Go 1 for short, is a major milestone in the development of the language. Go 1 is a stable platform for the growth of programs and projects written in Go. Go 1 defines two things: first, the specification of

To hear the education establishment talking, you would think that the higher your level of “attainment,” the better off you’ll be. College beats high school and advanced degrees beat college. The more you “invest” in education, the more your return. But it’s just not true. “Higher attainment” often has most cost than benefit. In today’s…