Written at 2025-02-22 It has become nearly impossible to use your computer without running into something related to AI. Almost every day, a new AI technology or some related improvement is announced. The hype around it is so overwhelming that you can’t even scroll through social media without being bombarded by the term “AI” or
New productivity service: Gift Your Goals

When Stack Overflow first arrived 15 years ago, it was a huge advance for a lot of programmers. Suddenly, programmers could share knowledge about quirks, bugs, and best practices complete with code ready to copy and paste. I know plenty of engineers who visit multiple times per day. This targeted resource changed how programmers work.There’s

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s g

When the money flows freely, and there’s a strong cachet to having tons of open positions, you can be forgiven to think that the individual productivity on a product team just doesn’t matter. So much time is spent coordinating the work anyway. Who cares if the stack you’re using takes twice the number of people

Every mid-large+ size tech company, including tech giants, has to pay a productivity tax at least once a year1. This tax is better known as the performance cycle.For a month, everyone is writing their self-evaluation and peers’ feedback. If you are in a leadership/management role, you may write rating rationale promo packets, perform calibration, do compensation…