This package allows users to test their code against business requirements. Nosimus AI collects call graph for the specified class and entry point (method) and tests it against given business requirements using GPT. Install Nosimus AI package and CSharp code analysis packages dotnet add package NosimusAI.TestSuite dotnet add package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp dotnet add package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces Add

ChatGPT powered Rust proc macro that generates code at compile-time. Implemented Macros auto_impl!{} #[auto_test(…)] Usage Get ChatGPT API key and set it to your environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY before run. auto_impl!{} Syntax: auto_impl! { $STR_LIT $TOKEN_STREAM } where $STR_LIT is a prompt string literal, and $TOKEN_STREAM is target code. Example: use gpt_macro::auto_impl; auto_impl! { “Return fizz

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osquery is a SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics framework. Available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Information and resources What is osquery? osquery exposes an operating system as a high-performance relational database. This allows you to write SQL-based queries to explore operating system data. With osquery, SQL tables represent abstract concepts such as
Chat with Sainta (an AI Santa Claus) to find the perfect gift! Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! I know just the right way to find the best gift! Just tell me who it’s for and some of the things that they like. I’ll give you my best gift recommendations for them.