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Sign up to our free weekly IndyTech newsletter delivered straight to your inbox Sign up to our free IndyTech newsletter Sign up to our free IndyTech newsletter I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy The estimated flight path of an asteroid the size of Big
You’ve probably heard that you need to talk to your target audience before building, but I think you need to hear it again.I’ve spent the last 11 months building projects with my brother, many of which failed, but one of them recently hit 4,900 users and $9,000 revenue in 6 months after launch.My brother had

Sign up for the free Nautilus newsletter: science and culture for people who love beautiful writing. In the Disney animated film 101 Dalmatians, there’s an amusing sequence in which lookalike pairs of people and their dogs parade across the screen, the resemblances between human and canine in both shape and facial expression comically exaggerated. It’s

The Vanguard project is a pilot program for the full-scale Sentinel underwater habitat, seen here, which Deep hopes to complete in 2027. A typical Sentinel crew would be six people, but the modular system could be configured to support as many as several dozen, at depths as great as 200 meters. The future of human

Flynn-Effekt: Erwachsene können sich immer besser konzentrierenLaut Intelligenztests ist der durchschnittliche IQ jahrzehntelang gestiegen. Dieser »Flynn-Effekt« zeigt sich auch in einem Standard-Aufmerksamkeitstest – aber nur bei Erwachsenen. Bei Kindern sieht es etwas anders aus. © cyano66 / Getty Images / iStock (Ausschnitt) Konzentriertes Arbeiten gelingt den heutigen Erwachsenen im Schnitt besser als der Generation vor ihnen. (Symbolbild)

As workers reconsider their work-life balance post-pandemic, 92% of young people say that they would make sacrifices in exchange for a four-day workweek, according to a new Bankrate survey.”Younger generations have obviously lived through major economic events like the coronavirus pandemic, which blurred the lines between where you work, how you work, how much time

New technologies are replacing workers in a growing range of occupations, causing loss of earnings and employment. However, these losses are smaller than those suffered by workers who experience mass layoffs. Per-Anders Edin, Tiernan Evans, Georg Graetz, Sofia Hernnäs and Guy Michaels write that, because the occupational decline they studied took years or even decades, its costs for individuals were likely

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I see a lot of app toolbox like and but I feel like it's often more for fullstack / frontend than backend / devops work (I know that devops is not a job, but LinkedIn disagree with that stand)I'm talking about: – decoding format like zstd, snappy, protobuf – inspecting docker / helm