I love fermented foods. I love that you can leave something out on the counter, in the refrigerator — forget about it, even — and it just gets better. But why do some foods improve with age, while others spoil? I wanted to know how it happens. So early one morning, I met Chef Patrice

A dense rainforest or other verdant terrestrial vegetation may be what first comes to mind at the mention of photosynthesis. Yet the clouds of phytoplankton that fill the oceans are the major drivers of that process in nature. The plantlike single-celled aquatic microbes generate more than 50% of the oxygen in the atmosphere, and they

Since the first factories began manufacturing polyester from petroleum in the 1950s, humans have produced an estimated 9.1 billion tons of plastic. Of the waste generated from that plastic, less than a tenth of that has been recycled, researchers estimate. About 12 percent has been incinerated, releasing dioxins and other carcinogens into the air. Most…