Reverse Engineering a Street Fighter Two Cabinet Introduction Platform Overview / Goals Hardware Teardown Firmware Extraction Firmware Analysis Conclusion whoami? Matthew Alt @wrongbaud Security researcher for Caesar Creek Software Previously @ MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Revo Technik/STASIS Engineering Recovering ECU tuner Offer private training/consulting through VoidStar Security LLC Explain how to perform black-box analysis of embedded…
Ask HN: What does the underground hacking scene look like?

A simple header only library that implements structure of arrays data structure backed by std::vector. These are the most useful operations. .quick_sort_by_field() sort all columns in tandem based on particular column .as_tuple(row_idx) read data out as tuple .get_column() direct access to underlying std::vector column Code Example (scratch.cpp)

Introduction In this series of blog posts I’ll describe my attempts at modifying the firmware of an Electronic Power Steering (EPS) ECU from a 2010 Volkswagen Golf Mk6. This steering rack is probably present in all VW PQ platform cars, starting from 2008 up to the present day. Cars from the PQ46 platform are still…