I feel like HackerNews is predominantly people who are already in the workforce.I'm keen on understanding how the economy is affecting recent / rising grads, intellectual topics that of interest to university students, and the general sentiment students have towards academia. For startups entrepreneurs, these data points would be very insightful.I'm wondering if there is

If you want to sprinkle some interactivity to your websites without much hassle, Alpine.js might be something you are looking for. Alpine is one of those tools that when you look at it, you cannot pass by without adoring its simplicity of design. It is a thin reactivity library that lets you add dynamic functionality

If you are suspicious that your spouse might be cheating, it can be a difficult and stressful situation to handle. Now, there is an easier way to hire a professional hacker to catch a cheating spouse without them ever knowing – by hiring a professional hacker. Find out in this article how to do so
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Copyright © 2001 Eric S. RaymondRevision HistoryRevision 1.5203 Jasnuary 2020esr Go makes a place as a plausible learning language, displacing Java. Revision 1.5106 October 2017esr Link to “Things Every Hacker Once Knew.” Mention USB-stick distros. Many updated translation links. Revision 1.5019 July 2015esr Added link to “Let’s Go Larval”. Revision 1.4921 November 2014esr Added link
This post https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33755016 shows that many HN alt accounts have been exposed, not through hacking but stylistic analysis.HM famously does not permit deletion of previous accounts or comments.So for some people who assumed anonymity this could be anyhthjng from unimportant to awkward to a real problem.Presumably now people will routinely search for alt accounts of…
Ask HN: Why do you use Hacker News?

GitHub – superjamie/hn-solarized-dark-nice: Hacker News Solarized Dark Nice This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. You can’t perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another…

Copyright © 2001 Eric S. RaymondRevision HistoryRevision 1.5203 Jasnuary 2020esr Go makes a place as a plausible learning language, displacing Java. Revision 1.5106 October 2017esr Link to “Things Every Hacker Once Knew.” Mention USB-stick distros. Many updated translation links. Revision 1.5019 July 2015esr Added link to “Let’s Go Larval”. Revision 1.4921 November 2014esr Added link…

Fuchsia is a general-purpose open-source operating system created by Google. It is based on the Zircon microkernel written in C++ and is currently under active development. The developers say that Fuchsia is designed with a focus on security, updatability, and performance. As a Linux kernel hacker, I decided to take a look at Fuchsia OS…