COMMANDS C – Change colour to the next one from the cyclic sequence: black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow, and white. F – Move forward by one cell and paint the new cell. R – Rotate clockwise by 45°. S – Sleep for 20 ms. [ – Begin a repeatable block and continue executing
“ Both readable and solid, the Graphics Codex provides the reader with the essence of 3D computer rendering.” —Eric Haines, Autodesk coauthor of Real-Time Rendering “ I own and use the Graphics Codex. Is it a reference tool, a companion to a textbook, an alternative to a textbook, or a self-study guide? It can work
In no particular order, my list of cool computer graphics (or adjacent) blogs: Amit Patel Interactive algorithm visualizations Highlight: Introduction to A* Inigo Quilez 3D SDF rendering and shadertoy Highlight: 3D SDF Index Fabian Giesen Graphics programming, compression, comp arch, optimization Highlight: A trip through the Graphics Pipeline 2011 Bart Wronski Image/signal processing, real-time rendering

Intermediate Graphics Library (IGL) is a cross-platform library that commands the GPU. It encapsulates common GPU functionality with a low-level cross-platform interface. IGL is designed to support multiple backends implemented on top of various graphics APIs (e.g. OpenGL, Metal and Vulkan) with a common interface. There are a lot of good options for abstracting GPU

Matrox announced on Thursday their new graphics card series LUMA… The Matrox LUMA isn’t powered by their own GPU design but rather they are now tapping Intel for their Arc Graphics discrete GPUs. The Matrox LUMA series initially consists of a set of low-end, single-slot graphics cards: the LUMA A310, LUMA A310F, and the LUMA

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s g

AI assisted graphicsAs a fun little prototype, I wanted to see how much work would it be to use AI to create as much of the art for a 2.5D point and click style game as possible.I figured the backgrounds would be a given, as the game would pretty much be 2D, but the characters
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Finding Your Home in Game Graphics Programming