Hello, developers and engineers!There are a lot of new libraries and frameworks out there, and many more are coming, especially in AI and AI agents.But when you try a new one, do you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or lost? Share your experiences!Also, share some open-source libraries that are easy to start with based on their documentation.

DOOM: The Gallery Experience was created as an art piece designed to parody the wonderfully pretentious world of gallery openings. In this experience, you will be able to walk around and appreciate some fine art while sipping some wine and enjoying the complimentary hors d’oeuvres in the beautifully renovated and re-imagined E1M1 of id Software’s

I remember when I first tried Rust, I fell in love. It was like a breath of fresh air after JavaScript and NodeJS. TypeScript made the experience way better, and I believe that if you still write pure JavaScript, you are dooming yourself. I wrote about the importance of types here and here. But back
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Right now focusing on Welp and Codédex. So being super organized (i.e. new to-do lists every day)

Late last year, in response to an unprecedented series of account takeovers resulting from the compromise of developer accounts without 2FA enabled, we committed to a variety of enhancements to the npm registry to make two-factor authentication (2FA) adoption easier for developers. Today, we are launching a public beta for a significantly improved 2FA experience…

The artificial intelligence field has evolved dramatically since the deep learning revolution kicked off in 2012, and Richard Socher has been around for all of it. He earned his PhD from Stanford working on NLP (natural language processing) before co-founding an AI startup called MetaMind in 2013. He then spent several years leading the AI…