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This is real data from the Ethereum mainnetexperimentImmutability can be a double-edged sword.This is an fun experiment to demonstrate that it is possible to store arbitrary data forever, including images, on the Ethereum blockchain at a very low cost and very easily, as transaction input data.Once stored, it cannot be deleted, so be careful. Continue reading

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In a few minutes, electronic music will start pulsing, stuffed animals will be flung through the air, women will emerge spinning Technicolor hula hoops, and a mechanical bull will rev into action, bucking off one delighted rider after another. It’s the closing party of ETHDenver, a weeklong cryptocurrency conference dedicated to the blockchain Ethereum. Lines…

So you have made it here after reading through the Beginner’s guide to Ethereum 2.0! Are you ready to learn more about Ethereum 2.0? The following advanced sections will go into detail on how exactly Proof of Stake works and how some of the staking numbers are calculated. There are plenty of links to the…