SPEECH & AUDIONLPSeamlessM4T—Massively Multilingual & Multimodal Machine TranslationSeamless Communication, Loic Barrault, Andy Chung, David Dale, Ning Dong (AI), Paul-Ambroise Duquenne, Hady Elsahar, Hongyu Gong, Kevin Heffernan, John Hoffman, Christopher Klaiber, Peng-Jen Chen, Daniel Licht, Jean Maillard, Alice Rakotoarison, Kaushik Ram Sadagopan, Guillaume Wenzek, Abinesh Ramakrishnan, Alexandre Mourachko, Amanda Kallet, Ann Lee, Anna Sun, Bapi Akula
February 23, 2021 • Reading time: 12 minutes At this point, most developers use Git as a tool for collaboration. We have our rote-learned commands to pull, commit, and push. And of course, there’s that one coworker who knows a bit more about Git than everyone else, who helps get us back on track whenever
Effective June 7, 2026, Autodesk will no longer sell nor support EAGLE

Recently I’ve been reading Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers. It’s a great book that contains tons of practical advice, as well as horror stories to astound your friends and confuse your enemies. Since Rust shares many core ideas with modern C++, I thought I’d describe how some of the C++ advice translates to Rust

Photo: Reuters (Reuters)It’s hard to argue with the tenets of effective altruism. The movement, which began in the UK in 2009 and quickly spread, particularly among America’s tech glitterati, holds that we should spend our lives trying to help the most people we can, in the most effective ways possible. So far, so laudable. But…

Epistemic status Thought about hybrid work at length. Confident about my own experience, yet unsure that it generalizes to others. Conducted secondary research. The past 24 months have offered an incredible learning opportunity for any company in the technology sector, and specifically for the ones who have historically relied heavily on co-location. In this period,…