Cover is a one-page template for building simple and beautiful home pages. Download, edit the text, and add your own fullscreen background photo to make it your own. Learn more
You should delete the ‘User-Agent’ header from outgoing email June 28, 2023 We all know about the HTTP User-Agent header, which browsers and other web things send to web servers. The nominal purpose of this is covered in RFC 9110 section 10.1.5, and it’s not terrible, but in practice websites have abused the header for

A seemingly small update with iOS 17 that turns out to be very useful is the ability to have your iPhone clean up 2FA text messages on its own. Here’s how to auto delete iPhone verification codes with iOS 17. There are certainly many flashier new features with iOS 17 like the StandBy smart display
Just received an email from Meta, part of it states:“Starting January 1, 2024, we will start deleting old Oculus accounts to ensure that we are not keeping Oculus account data longer than necessary. If you do not create a Meta account by this date, your Oculus data (including associated apps, content and games you have

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’

Dasel (short for data-selector) allows you to query and modify data structures using selector strings. Comparable to jq / yq, but supports JSON, YAML, TOML, XML and CSV with zero runtime dependencies. One tool to rule them all Say good bye to learning new tools just to work with a different data format. Dasel uses…
Just a heads up so others can avoid similar scares: Heroku gives 7 days' notice before deleting databases on their Hobby Basic tier once they exceed >10GB or >10m rows. [1]Hobby Basic tier is meant for “Small side projects and proof-of-concepts”[2]. It's possible for a startup to spend a lot of time in this tier…