The nature of time is complex for many reasons, one of which is different parts of the world experience it differently. This complexity creates challenges in technology by preventing us from connecting easily across the globe. So, computers must track time precisely; but varying time zones, daylight savings, and shifts in time calculations complicate the
The philosophy of computer science is concerned with the ontological and methodological issues arising from within the academic discipline of computer science, and from the practice of software development and its commercial and industrial deployment. More specifically, the philosophy of computer science considers the ontology and epistemology of computational systems, focusing on problems associated with
[Submitted on 29 Jun 2018 (v1), last revised 1 Dec 2018 (this version, v2)] View PDF Abstract:The article substantiates the necessity to develop training methods of computer simulation of neural networks in the spreadsheet environment. The systematic review of their application to simulating artificial neural networks is performed. The authors distinguish basic approaches to solving
![The computer designed to only run Java Applets – Sun JavaStation [video] by nazgulsenpai](
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1Massachusetts Institute of Technology+115131492Carnegie Mellon University+2294142113Stanford University+811533124University of California, Berkeley+961825165University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign+995258206University of Washington+10157101237Cornell University+977967298University of Michigan+9811696329University of Toronto+1051141193510Georgia Institute of Technology+13181013124311University of Texas at Austin+6981412104412Princeton University+578208165213University of California, San Diego+9212425135414University of Maryland+65171119156215University of Wisconsin-Madison+57121816196516University of Waterloo+8511926206617Columbia University+60141424187018University of British Columbia+5733129117419University of Pennsylvania+67171714328019University of California, Los Angeles+49142220248021University of Massachusetts Amherst+63242123148222Purdue University+72201321338723Harvard University+41173574810724New York
Poll: How many of you take as an axiom that a computer cannot be intelligent?

A 16-bit computer/maybe console inspired thing, the Femto-4. This will be the main branch and backups will be forks from it. This project was started around November 2020. Currently runs: Cart A: Flappy Bird Cart B: Some Pixel Art Cart C: Screensaver Cart D: Snake Cart E: Phemton Demonstrations Cart F: Competitive Snake Cart G:

With Maximum PC and MacLife’s abandonment of print, the dead-tree era of computer journalism is officially over. It lasted almost half a century—and was quite a run. Posted by Harry McCracken on April 15, 2023 at 9:22 am The April issues of Maximum PC and MacLife are currently on sale at a newsstand near you—assuming

Latency numbers every programmer should know Latency numbers every programmer should know L1 cache reference ……………………. 0.5 ns Branch mispredict ………………………. 5 ns L2 cache reference ……………………… 7 ns Mutex lock/unlock ……………………… 25 ns Main memory reference …………………. 100 ns Compress 1K bytes with Zippy …………. 3,000 ns = 3 µs Send 2K bytes over