I got tired of checking into my flight exactly 24 hours before it departs, so I built a bot to do it for me. Enjoy!
Please, put your desir

A python script to check npm packages for manifest mismatches, as reported by Darcy Clarke. Can also check all the dependencies of a package recursively. Usage Install the requirements first: pip install -r requirements.txt Check the help: ./npm-manifest-check.py -h usage: npm-manifest-check [-h] [-b] package Check NPM packages for manifest mismatches positional arguments: package name of

At CES a year ago, BMW’s iX Flow concept was billed as “the world’s first color-changing car.” At the time, the special version of the iX electric crossover could shift its various panels between white, black, and gray. Now, for 2023, meet the upgrade: actual colors.Now, for 2023, meet the upgrade: actual colorsFor this year’s CES

In a widely shared comment piece for the Guardian, comedian Rowan Atkinson said he felt “duped” by the green claims about electric vehicles (EVs).In support of his contention, however, Atkinson repeats a series of repeatedly debunked talking points, often used by those seeking to delay action on the climate crisis.Moreover, he suggests alternatives to EVs

By Amy Castor and David Gerard We can’t kite our checks like crypto companies do. So please contribute to our Patreons — here’s Amy’s, and here’s David’s. Our patrons can also get a couple of “Bitcoin: It Can’t Be That Stupid” stickers just by messaging one of us and asking. David has signed author copies

Showcase of Flutter’s Material 3 implementation. Switch between current and previous Material Design implementation and look for your favorite color scheme seed. Supports Android, iOS, web, macOS, Windows, and Linux. Try the app with flutter run or open the web demo. showcase.mp4 Have fun!

Show uncommitted, untracked and unpushed changes in multiple Git repositories. Scan for .git dirs up to DEPTH directories deep. The default is 2. If DEPTH is 0, the scan is infinitely deep. mgitstatus shows: Uncommitted changes if there are unstaged or uncommitted changes on the checked out branch. Untracked files if there are untracked files…
I have an important question now. Please help me !!! – user will pronounce: I want to go to the shop to buy some presents for my daughter. – the script will underline in red that mistake part