Note: I’m about to graduate in like 2 weeks, and one of the most challenging problems I faced was that of finding a career where I thrive. I picked up many life-skills along the journey to finding the ideal career. The following blog is very much a collection of learnings that I gathered, so they

I found myself lately checking the career page of a few companies I’m interested in working for. The number of companies I’m interested in is growing and I don’t want to check them manually anymore. So I decided to automate the process and write a CLI tool that will notify me when a new job
I am currently a senior director in the security industry, managing both an offensive and defensive security team. For a decade before moving into this position, I worked almost exclusively in offensive security, red teaming, LOTS of exploit development etc. and also did some malware forensics work to help out various teams during IR engagements

← HomeThere are so many things I wish I knew before I became a professional developer. Or a professional at all. I know I’m in a position of privilege as a white, college educated woman who is mid-career and doesn’t have much outside-of-work obligations, but I hope most of this advice reaches wider than just

Do you have any insights into a career in brain-based AI? What do I need to study if I’m interested in developing Numenta’s technology? Where can I learn the necessary skills? These are some of the questions we receive quite frequently from students interested in pursuing a career in brain-based AI. Not too long ago,…

The highest-impact career for you is the one that allows you to make the biggest contribution to solving one of the world’s most pressing problems. On this page, we list some broad categories of impactful careers, followed by about 30 more specific and unusual career paths we think are especially impactful, such as long-term AI…