Some people are not satisfied with a webcam from their notebook or an old webcam they bought many years ago. My brother decided he wants to try streaming. Some people can just do a thing and other people want to research all the bits and pieces beforehand. Our chat history is comparable in length to…

Net neutrality law remains in effect — No judges on 29-seat appeals court even asked for a vote on industry petition. Jon Brodkin – Apr 21, 2022 8:05 pm UTC Getty Images | Yuichiro Chino The broadband industry has lost another attempt to block California’s net neutrality law. After ISP lobby groups’ motion for a…

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’

An ongoing legal battle over whether the military can force troops to get vaccinated against COVID-19 has left the Navy with a warship they say they can’t deploy because it is commanded by an officer they cannot fire.It’s a standoff the brass are calling a “manifest national security concern,” according to recent federal court filings.The…
Need help? Contact us We’ve detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please click the box below to let us know you’re not a robot. Why did this happen on tech newsletterThe world loves WhatsApp and other texting apps. Americans are chatting in their own bubble.VideoCreditCredit…By Brendan ConroyFeb. 2, 2022This article is part of the On Tech newsletter. Here is a collection of past columns.My fellow Americans, we are weird.The United States is one of the few big countries where SMS, the texting…

What do you think is the output of the following Python code? flag = “🇺🇸” reversed_flag = flag[::-1] print(reversed_flag) Questions like this make me want to immediately open a Python REPL and try the code out because I think I know what the answer is, but I’m not very confident in that answer.Here’s my line…