
OpenRepoWiki is a tool that automatically generates a comprehensive wiki page for any given GitHub repository. I hate reading code, but I want to learn how to build stuffs from websites to databases. That’s why I built OpenRepoWiki, where we can understand the purpose of that files and folders of a particular repository. Automated Wiki
I got tired of checking into my flight exactly 24 hours before it departs, so I built a bot to do it for me. Enjoy!
Postgre automatically upgrade–This is interesting but do we need this?

A seemingly small update with iOS 17 that turns out to be very useful is the ability to have your iPhone clean up 2FA text messages on its own. Here’s how to auto delete iPhone verification codes with iOS 17. There are certainly many flashier new features with iOS 17 like the StandBy smart display

Posted On: Jan 5, 2023 Amazon S3 now automatically applies S3 managed server-side encryption (SSE-S3) as a base level of encryption to all new objects added to S3, at no additional cost and with no impact on performance. SSE-S3 uses 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard and has been configured for trillions of objects by customers. This

Splits long className attributes to make them more readable Subscribe to my Newsletter if you want to get notified about other cool projects and updates. Example The following code function Component() { return ( ) } becomes import clsx from ‘classnames’ function Component() { return ( ) } Usage as a cli npm i -g…