LégalEd for the MassesTitle links to actual appHere is the demo video to show you around the interfaceSelf funded on scraps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIwsPz0mKAU
I'm one of three co-founders and I am currently pregnant. Should we apply to YC for the Spring 2025 batch?My co-founders are very supportive of me and my situation. My partner is also staying at home and will be the primary day-to-day caretaker; I'm fully committed to this company.My due date is during the latter

Stupid security guys! They only know concepts and has no technical knowledge about their technical field. They just read some documentations. But most important steps of having security is applying configuration and reviewing current configuration. Also, they have no idea that what are they doing on servers and client. CIS benchmarks are reference for hardening

🎉 Meet the Judicial Innovation Fellowship 🎉 Apply to be one of our inaugural fellows at the Judicial Innovation Fellowship (JIF)! What is JIF? JIF is a brand new interdisciplinary program at Georgetown Law that places technologists and designers in state, local, tribal, and territorial courts to improve the public’s access to justice. The goal

Home Using QGIS to apply a 1777 style to today’s OpenStreetMap data. Context In 2015, while I was working at the UGent Department of Geography, I was lucky enough to collaborate on a project around the 1777 Ferraris map – or more precisely the ‘Carte de Cabinet’ of the Austrian Netherlands by count Joseph de…