Yet Another Chatbot for Adults

(as long as you want to use it as a terminal) I have a couple old kindle fire tablets lying around. One of them has a battery that lasts about ten minutes. I also never have enough screens and never know where to put my terminal when I need to tail a log or something.

Josef Průša, one of the founders of Prusa Research, recently published a post titled The state of open-source in 3D printing in 2023. In the post Průša laments the existance of cheap clones of products like the Prusa i3. A Prusa i3 MK3 from Prusa Research in kit form costs 719€, whereas Chinese clones can

Fastle is 3 rounds of the classic Wordle game Once you exit these instructions a 5 minute timer will begin. Guess the word for each round in six tries. If the timer gets to 0 seconds you lose. If you fail a single round you lose. Each guess must be a v
We’ve detected unusual activity from your
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NASA recently announced that it had detected more than 5,000 exoplanets, so we asked astronomers, actors and an astronaut to share their favorite worlds orbiting distant stars.An artist’s concept of seven rocky exoplanets 40 light-years from Earth that make up the TRAPPIST system. Four of these occupy the “habitable zone,” where liquid water may exist.Credit…NASA/JPL-Caltech/R.…
Another DNSSEC screw-up takes down thousands of .au domains

Earlier this week, the military seized power in Burkina Faso, ousting the country’s democratically elected president, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré. The coup was announced on state television Monday by a young officer who said the military had suspended the constitution and dissolved the government. Beside him sat a camouflage-clad man whom he introduced as Burkina…

How long can a Turing machine program run when started on the blank tape before the tape becomes blank again? Of course, this will depend on the length of the program – how many states and colors it has. Even given these parameters, it is logically impossible to calculate how long a self-cleaning Turing machine…