We’re considering switching from Jenkins to GitHub Actions as our primary CI system. We’re planning to run self-hosted runners on the same infrastructure we’ve been using with Jenkins.So far, my experience with GitHub Actions has been positive—honestly, using anything other than Jenkins feels like an improvement. That said, I’ve run into a few challenges, particularly
I really don’t know what to think about any of this. hi, greg technology here. long time blog reader, not frequent blog poster. ok so here was my thought process: github pages is an award winning, world changing, olympic/nobel-level gift to the world. it is great. it is beyond great. it gives free web hosting

AbstractThis study compares the actions of the intravenous anaesthetics propofol and ketamine on animal behaviour and neuronal activity in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis, particularly in relation to excitatory effects observed clinically. When injected into the whole animal, neither agent induced total anaesthesia. Rather, behavioural activity was enhanced by propofol (10−5 M) and ketamine (10−7 M)

The quality of the modern software craftsperson can be calculated using the following formula: Q∝(stars+downloads)slocQ propto frac{(stars + downloads)}{sloc}Q∝sloc(stars+downloads) What this shows is we need to maximise engagement relative to the amount of code written in order to be recognised as a superstar coder, the fabled 10x developer. By maximising our quality quotient, we ensure

Today, we’re excited to announce the release of the public beta of the official GitHub Actions VS Code extension. The extension provides support for authoring and editing workflows and helps you manage workflow runs without leaving your IDE. The extension was originally started as a community project to monitor workflow runs. While it gained linting

“GitHub Actions keep me up at night. I worry that a malicious actor will use GitHub Actions to inject code into one of my repositories unbeknownst to me.” Grayson HardawayGitHub Actions is an increasingly popular CI/CD platform. They allow to automate almost all the tasks of the development cycle while remaining easy to access. However,…