It said my account is too new too submit a blog, what should I do?

One of the many great things about the Fediverse (Mastodon, PixelFed, Lemmy, etc) is that your account is portable.Let’s say you’re bob@social.boring and, one day, you decide to move your account to foxyfun@furryextreme.yif. Well, with a few clicks of a button, all of your old followers are now following your brand new account. You’re still

Home News (Image credit: Getty) ChatGPT users should be wary that their personal data might’ve been leaked online, following the dump of more than 100,000 ChatGPT account credentials on the dark web. As reported by The Hacker News and according to Singapore-based cybersecurity company Group-IB, the credentials for users that logged into ChatGPT ranges from
As you may be aware, there is an upcoming protest[0] on June 12-14 where many subreddits[1] are going private for 48 hours in protest of reddit's API fee increase[2][3], which many expect will lead to the end of all third party apps.I moderate a few subreddits for a niche hobby, and decided to join the
In July 2020, a co-worker and I discovered that hidden accounts could be created in MacOS in a very low-tech manner. In such a manner that they do not appear in the GUI and neither appear to the command-line `dscl . -list /Users` command. Though I haven't tried this on the latest MacOS iteration, I

Whenever I post something publicly on Facebook mentioning hacking I get a ton of spammy comments: This first happened with my not-actually-deepfake phishing post, and then again on my posts on not getting hacked and how likely Google lockouts are. It sounds like there’s a business in helping (or scamming) people who’ve had their Facebook/Instagram

Waking up an Indentured Servant to My Own CompanyIn October of 2016, I attended a CEO bootcamp in Colorado. Basically 5-days of group-therapy. The folks present were all CEO’s of successful venture-backed startups ostensibly screened from a longer list of would-be attendees. One of the crazier but more life-changing exercises we did during the week

Some apps and services (but not JMP!) require an SMS verification code in order to create a new account. (Note that this is different from using SMS for authentication; which is a bad idea since SMS can be easily intercepted, are not encrypted in transit, and are vulnerable to simple swap scams, etc.; but has…

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I have a Gmail account from high school that has never used my legal name, and even if it had, my full legal name has since changed. I haven't created any logins with this address in many, many years.Every few years I check to see if there is anything important there. Just recently I noticed…