Streaming data processing is a big deal in big data these days, and for good reasons. Amongst them:
- Businesses crave ever more timely data, and switching to streaming is a good way to achieve lower latency.
- The massive, unbounded data sets that are increasingly common in modern business are more easily tamed using a system designed for such never-ending volumes of data.
- Processing data as they arrive spreads workloads out more evenly over time, yielding more consistent and predictable consumption of resources.
Despite this business-driven surge of interest in streaming, the majority of streaming systems in existence remain relatively immature compared to their batch brethren, which has resulted in a lot of exciting, active development in the space recently.
As someone who’s worked on massive-scale streaming systems at Google for the last five+ years (MillWheel, Cloud Dataflow), I’m delighted by this streaming zeitgeist, to say the least. I’m also interested in making sure that folks understand everything that streaming systems are capable of and how they are best put to use, particularly given the semantic gap that remains between most existing batch and streaming systems. To that end, the fine folks at O’Reilly have invited me to contribute a written rendition of my Say Goodbye to Batch talk from Strata + Hadoop World London 2015. Since I have quite a bit to cover, I’ll be splitting this across two separate posts:
- Streaming 101: This first post will cover some basic background information and clarify some terminology before diving into details about time domains and a high-level overview of common approaches to data processing, both batch and streaming.
- The Dataflow Model: The second post will consist primarily of a whirlwind tour of the unified batch + streaming model used by Cloud Dataflow, facilitated by a concrete example applied across a diverse set of use cases. After that, I’ll conclude with a brief semantic comparison of existing batch and streaming systems.
So, long-winded introductions out of the way, let’s get nerdy.
To begin with, I’ll cover some important background information that will help frame the rest of the topics I want to discuss. We’ll do this in three specific sections:
- Terminology: To talk precisely about complex topics requires precise definitions of terms. For some terms that have overloaded interpretations in current use, I’ll try to nail down exactly what I mean when I say them.
- Capabilities: I’ll remark on the oft-perceived shortcomings of streaming systems. I’ll also propose the frame of mind that I believe data processing system builders need to adopt in order to address the needs of modern data consumers going forward.
- Time domains: I’ll introduce the two primary domains of time that are relevant in data processing, show how they relate, and point out some of the difficulties these two domains impose.
Terminology: What is streaming?
Before going any further, I’d like to get one thing out of the way: what is streaming? The term “streaming” is used today to mean a variety of different things (and for simplicity, I’ve been using it somewhat loosely up until now), which can lead to misunderstandings about what streaming really is, or what streaming systems are actually capable of. As such, I would prefer to define the term somewhat precisely.
The crux of the problem is that many things that ought to be described by what they are (e.g., unbounded data processing, approximate results, etc.), have come to be described colloquially by how they historically have been accomplished (i.e., via streaming execution engines). This lack of precision in terminology clouds what streaming really means, and in some cases, burdens streaming systems themselves with the implication that their capabilities are limited to characteristics frequently described as “streaming,” such as approximate or speculative results. Given that well-designed streaming systems are just as capable (technically more so) of producing correct, consistent, repeatable results as any existing batch engine, I prefer to isolate the term streaming to a very specific meaning: a type of data processing engine that is designed with infinite data sets in mind. Nothing more. (For completeness, it’s perhaps worth calling out that this definition includes both true streaming and micro-batch implementations.)
As to other common uses of “streaming,” here are a few that I hear regularly, each presented with the more precise, descriptive terms that I suggest we as a community should try to adopt:
- Unbounded data: A type of ever-growing, essentially infinite data set. These are often referred to as “streaming data.” However, the terms streaming or batch are problematic when applied to data sets, because as noted above, they imply the use of a certain type of execution engine for processing those data sets. The key distinction between the two types of data sets in question is, in reality, their finiteness, and it’s thus preferable to characterize them by terms that capture this distinction. As such, I will refer to infinite “streaming” data sets as unbounded data, and finite “batch” data sets as bounded data.
- Unbounded data processing: An ongoing mode of data processing, applied to the aforementioned type of unbounded data. As much as I personally like the use of the term streaming to describe this type of data processing, its use in this context again implies the employment of a streaming execution engine, which is at best misleading; repeated runs of batch engines have been used to process unbounded data since batch systems were first conceived (and conversely, well-designed streaming systems are more than capable of handling “batch” workloads over bounded data). As such, for the sake of clarity, I will simply refer to this as unbounded data processing.
- Low-latency, approximate, and/or speculative results: These types of results are most often associated with streaming engines. The fact that batch systems have traditionally not been designed with low-latency or speculative results in mind is a historical artifact, and nothing more. And of course, batch engines are perfectly capable of producing approximate results if instructed to. Thus, as with the terms above, it’s far better describing these results as what they are (low-latency, approximate, and/or speculative) than by how they have historically been manifested (via streaming engines).
From here on out, any time I use the term “streaming,” you can safely assume I mean an execution engine designed for unbounded data sets, and nothing more. When I mean any of the other terms above, I will explicitly say unbounded data, unbounded data processing, or low-latency / approximate / speculative results. These are the terms we’ve adopted within Cloud Dataflow, and I encourage others to take a similar stance.
On the greatly exaggerated limitations of streaming
Next up, let’s talk a bit about what streaming systems can and can’t do, with an emphasis on can; one of the biggest things I want to get across in these posts is just how capable a well-designed streaming system can be. Streaming systems have long been relegated to a somewhat niche market of providing low-latency, inaccurate/speculative results, often in conjunction with a more capable batch system to provide eventually correct results, i.e. the Lambda Architecture.
For those of you not already familiar with the Lambda Architecture, the basic idea is that you run a streaming system alongside a batch system, both performing essentially the same calculation. The streaming system gives you low-latency, inaccurate results (either because of the use of an approximation algorithm, or because the streaming system itself does not provide correctness), and some time later a batch system rolls along and provides you with correct output. Originally proposed by Twitter’s Nathan Marz (creator of Storm), it ended up being quite successful because it was, in fact, a fantastic idea for the time; streaming engines were a bit of a letdown in the correctness department, and batch engines were as inherently unwieldy as you’d expect, so Lambda gave you a way to have your proverbial cake and eat it, too. Unfortunately, maintaining a Lambda system is a hassle: you need to build, provision, and maintain two independent versions of your pipeline, and then also somehow merge the results from the two pipelines at the end.
As someone who has spent years working on a strongly-consistent streaming engine, I also found the entire principle of the Lambda Architecture a bit unsavory. Unsurprisingly, I was a huge fan of Jay Kreps’ Questioning the Lambda Architecture post when it came out. Here was one of the first highly visible statements against the necessity of dual-mode execution; delightful. Kreps addressed the issue of repeatability in the context of using a replayable system like Kafka as the streaming interconnect, and went so far as to propose the Kappa Architecture, which basically means running a single pipeline using a well-designed system that’s appropriately built for the job at hand. I’m not convinced that notion itself requires a name, but I fully support the idea in principle.
Quite honestly, I’d take things a step further. I would argue that well-designed streaming systems actually provide a strict superset of batch functionality. Modulo perhaps an efficiency delta[1], there should be no need for batch systems as they exist today. And kudos to the Flink folks for taking this idea to heart and building a system that’s all-streaming-all-the-time under the covers, even in “batch” mode; I love it.
The corollary of all this is that broad maturation of streaming systems combined with robust frameworks for unbounded data processing will, in time, allow the relegation of the Lambda Architecture to the antiquity of big data history where it belongs. I believe the time has come to make this a reality. Because to do so, i.e. to beat batch at its own game, you really only need two things:
- Correctness — This gets you parity with batch.At the core, correctness boils down to consistent storage. Streaming systems need a method for checkpointing persistent state over time (something Kreps has talked about in his Why local state is a fundamental primitive in stream processing post), and it must be well-designed enough to remain consistent in light of machine failures. When Spark Streaming first appeared in the public big data scene a few years ago, it was a beacon of consistency in an otherwise dark streaming world. Thankfully, things have improved somewhat since then, but it is remarkable how many streaming systems still try to get by without strong consistency; I seriously cannot believe that at-most-once processing is still a thing, but it is. To reiterate, because this point is important: strong consistency is required for exactly-once processing, which is required for correctness, which is a requirement for any system that’s going to have a chance at meeting or exceeding the capabilities of batch systems. Unless you just truly don’t care about your results, I implore you to shun any streaming system that doesn’t provide strongly consistent state. Batch systems don’t require you to verify ahead of time if they are capable of producing correct answers; don’t waste your time on streaming systems that can’t meet that same bar. If you’re curious to learn more about what it takes to get strong consistency in a streaming system, I recommend you check out the MillWheel and Spark Streaming papers. Both papers spend a significant amount of time discussing consistency. Given the amount of quality information on this topic in the lite