Hey everyone!
I figured it was time to write another update on what we are working on at pico
Firstly, we created a company: pico.sh LLC
. We will be slowly updating all the
documentation to mention the company across all of our services and sites.
The reason we created an LLC is because we plan to offer paid services, starting
with pgs.sh and tuns.sh.
We are still figuring out all the details but we are slowly building the billing
and pricing engines to support what we are tentatively calling pico pro
If you are interested in reading more about pico pro
then feel free to read
our latest RFC for pico pro.
We want to make it as easy for users to transfer files (whether it is prose
posts, imgs, or static sites) to pico. With that effort comes a couple
delightful changes we recently deployed to all our services.
# Better sftp
We now fully support SFTP to data transfer, including connecting to any of our
services using SFTP. For example:
sftp prose.sh
This will drop you into an interactive terminal where you can manipulate your
blog posts!
# Better rsync
pgs.sh is a zero-dependency static site hosting service for
hackers. pgs
requires recursive uploads of static files and with it comes
better integration between pico and rsync
With pgs
users can now run the following command to recursively deploy a
static site:
rsync -rv src/ @pgs.sh:/
With this work we also made it possible to only upload files that have changed
between src
and dest
We also improved error handling when a user attempts to