A Short Example
No one wants to read. So let’s have a look at a short example before we start. First, you’ll see a boring
Regular Expression as you may know them. Can you already guess what we’re trying to validate?
Regular Syntax:
No? Well… Let’s try the Simple Regex Language then. In the box below, you can see the exact same
expression, but with a much cleaner syntax. Yes, it’s quite long compared to the one on the top,
but let’s be honest.. It’s not always about the size, right?
SRL Syntax:
begin with any of (digit, letter, one of "._%+-") once or more, literally "@", any of (digit, letter, one of ".-") once or more, literally ".", letter at least 2 times, must end, case insensitive
SRL Query is not matching.
The SRL Query contains an error:
Whoops… you may have found a bug.
Generated Regular Expression:
Looks like we’re trying to validate an email address. In reality, you might not want to use a Regular
Expression for that, since emails are pretty painful to validate and there are
plenty of tools out
there that do a way better job on that, but for our example, it fits just fine. Especially for the
one below.
Oh, and did we mention you can edit and explor