Connecting your Front-End logic to Back-End Database reactively! ⇄
16 min – Getting started with Socio 0.7, SvelteKit, Vite.
No more API middleware and backend DB interfacing functions and wrappers and handlers. Write your SQL queries on the frontend and have their results be automagically refreshed on all clients when a resource is changed on the server DB. This is secure.
Basic Demo – interactive bare-bones demo project.
Secure Full-Stack Framework Demo – interactive demo project with SvelteKit and Vite.
Simple Documentation page to see direct examples and explanations of how to use various parts of the lib.
Ready for use in your small to mid sized web app
In your Node.js project root dir:
How? ✨
Socio is a “middle man” framework between your DB and clients. The SocioServer
creates a WebSocket server on your backend, that is hooked up to any DB. The SocioClient
sits on the browser and communicates with your server through WebSockets and socios protocols and mechanisms. E.g. SocioClient
.Query() or .Subscribe() with raw SQL strings. Additionally, the server can also at any time push information to clients, creating a duplex real-time connection. Pretty much everything you’d need, including file transfer, is supported.
SQL injections and overall data safety? 💉
Client-side JS source files contain only encrypted strings of your SQL. The AES-256-GCM algorithm guarantees Confidentiality (cannot be read), Integrity (cannot be altered) and Authenticity (server can verify the author of the created cypher text). Dynamic data inserted as query parameters should be server-side sanitized by you as usual. In addition, all queries can use opt-in markers for authentification and table permissions requirements, that are managed by Socio Server for you.
This is all done with the SocioSecurity
class manually or automagically with the included Vite plugin SocioSecurityVitePlugin
Code snippets
Written in TypeScript, but of course can use the lib in JS scripts just the same.
//send a single query and wait for its result
console.log(await sc.Query(socio`INSERT INTO Users (name, num) VALUES(:name, :num);`, {name:’bob’, num:42})); //sanatize dynamic data yourself in QueryWrap!
sc.Unsubscribe(id); //notify the server.” dir=”auto”>
//client side browser code. For SvelteKit, this can be in proj_root/src/hooks.server.ts .Check the Framework Demo for an example. import {SocioClient} from 'socio/dist/core-client'; //this way for both JS and TS import {socio} from 'socio/dist/utils'; const sc = new SocioClient('ws://localhost:3000', {verbose:true, name:'Main'}); //create as many as you like await sc.ready(); //wait to establish the connection //will recall the callback whenever the Users table data gets altered const id = sc.Subscribe({sql:socio`SELECT * FROM Users;`}, (res:object) => { console.log(res); }); //send a single query and wait for its result console.log(await sc.Query(socio`INSERT INTO Users (name, num) VALUES(:name, :num);`, {name:'bob', num:42})); //sanatize dynamic data yourself in QueryWrap! sc.Unsubscribe(id); //notify the server.
//vite.config.ts when using SvelteKit. import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'; import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import { SocioSecurityVitePlugin } from 'socio/dist/secure'; export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ SocioSecurityVitePlugin({ secure_private_key: 'skk#$U#Y$7643GJHKGDHJH#$K#$HLI#H$KBKDBDFKU34534', verbose: true }), sveltekit() ] });
Does it scale? ⚖️
Currently the performance is neglegable for small projects. I havent stress tested yet, as its still early dev, but i optimize my data structures, where i can as i go. Current estimate is about 100 concurrent users should be a breeze on a cheap Linode server. I expect your backend DB to be set up properly with table indexing and caching queries.
According to this blog WebSockets are much more network traffic efficient than HTTP at scale.
Sportsmanship 🤝
The use of the Socio lib does not prohibit the use of standard HTTP technologies. Even better – socio server can be configured to run on your existing http webserver, like one that you’d create with express.js. Since WebSockets are established over HTTP, then take over with their own protocol. Though, seeing as they are different technologies, there are situations where you’d need to “stitch” your own solutions between the two, e.g. tracking sessions.
For SQL queries, the automagic happens because i regex parse the strings myself with simple patterns. The most basic usecases should be covered, but more complex SQL queries are not – situations like: nested queries and multiple queries in a single string. Only table names are extracted, so sometimes subscriptions would receive an update, even though for its specific WHERE clauses it would logically not have