Install ublock origin on all your browsers. If your browser of choice does not support this (e.g. Safari in iOS) use one that does.
Turn off “personalization” or “ad targeting” or “provide feedback” features where ever possible. Check the Settings of all your apps, browser, desktop applications etc.
Turn off third party cookies in your browser.
Reduce or quit popular social media e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Or at least remove your location, date of birth etc. from there. Put your Linkedin profile on hybernate when you are not looking for a job.
Remove the “friends” on social media that you don’t know in real life. Don’t accept new requests unless you know that person.
If you don’t need to provide it. Don’t. E.g. does your cat video site really need your address or real name?
Assume everything you put on the Internet is public and will live there forever. Live with that principle.
Invest in a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and have this on whenever you can e.g. normal browsing but maybe disable when you play games and you want better pe