I worked on this project in my spare time and I would consider its current state to still be pre-release/beta-release. Expect bugs and instability. Current versions have been set to the MPL 2.0 license.
-> Feature Reel
-> High Level Architecture Overview
This code base will not work on MacOS. Linux and Windows should both be fine so long as the graphics driver supports OpenGL 4.6 and the compiler supports C++17.
First install SDL from https://www.libsdl.org
Somewhere on your hard drive create a folder where you will install dependencies. Set that as an environment variable called SYSROOT.
Next set up the repo
git clone https://github.com/KTStephano/StratusGFX.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build Catch2, assimp, and meshoptimizer using cmake. Install their files to ${SYSROOT} under
Now generate the GL3W headers with extensions (–ext)
cd gl3w
python3 ./gl3w_gen.py --ext
cd ../
Now build the source
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
All executables will be put into StratusGFX/Bin. Good ones to run to see if it worked are
StratusGFX/Bin/Ex00_StartupShutdown.exe (runs through initialize, run one frame, shutdown sequence)
StratusGFX/Bin/Ex01_StratusGFX.exe (you should see a fo