“What if I cannot stay focused and be productive?”
For most of us, working from home was a fair tail. Thanks to internet, technology, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the world becomes a welcoming place for remote workers.
No more traffic and long commute, flexible schedule, location independence, and so on. The dream comes true, you think.
However, soon you find out it is actually a nightmare. The deep work, privacy, and productive tasks in your imagination, are now coupled with social media, online shopping, video games, youtube, and all kinds of other distractions.
Nothings get done. Lack of progress, under perform, wasting time…Isn’t that every high achiever’s worst night mare?
Okay, let’s hold that stressful scene on for a second, and imagine the alternative…
What if you could concentrate on doing the most important work, where and whenever you are?
If you could develop the ability to stay focus, you could spend the best of your time and mental energy, on achieving things that matter to you.
You could stop regretting about spending hours on mindless internet browsing.
You could stop checking your email every five minutes.
You could stop beating yourself up, on spending your day in an unproductive way.
You could kick your daily distractions to the curb, and get things done.
You might even achieve the magical flow state, being in the zone, mentally free to work on your task, with no distraction thoughts.
Imagine the great feeling of accomplishing so much more in less time. While feeling proud of yourself, you wonder, “What happened? How can I be productive like this again?”
What if it is more than magic…what if it was repeatable?
How can you stay focused, and get things done consistently?
When you start out your work day, the usual thing you do is to do the first things come to your mind, or things that are tempting the most.
But the your goal isn’t just to do thing.
If you have nothing want to accomplish, then you could do anything, in the way you want it.
You can’t accomplish things unless you prioritize and develop intensive focus.
It is a skill.
Like all skills in life, the best way, or the only way to improve a skill is to practice, deliberately and consistently.
Be able to stay focus and get in the flow, is the essential skill in success. The one thing high performance people like you cannot succeed without.
So, if you want to be more productive, and achieve more, you must be aware about this skill, and train your brain to focus better in a consistent way. If you apply the Kaizen philosophy (means